VPADA Launches New "Raffia" Handmade Sandal Collection!              

An Exquisite Fusion of Intricate Weaving and Modern Style

Before becoming the handmade "Raffia" sandal collection, the VPADA brand went through extensive trials, development, refinement, and adjustments to craft this exceptional product line. It is guaranteed that if ladies who appreciate handmade crafts try these sandals, they will undoubtedly fall in love with the "Raffia."


affia rope is one of the most distinctive and versatile natural materials, especially useful for handicrafts and handmade products such as sandals, bags, and hats.

Raffia fiber comes from a type of palm tree native to Southeast Asia, particularly Indonesia and Malaysia. Locals collect fibers from the trunks of these palms, then wet and sun-dry them to create flexible and durable strands. These strands are then woven into sturdy, naturally beautiful ropes.

Using raffia rope to produce handmade sandals has several advantages. Raffia is lightweight, flexible, and durable, allowing sandals made from this material to withstand extensive wear. Additionally, raffia rope can support considerable weight.


Therefore, these sandals are suitable for outdoor use in all weather conditions. Whether it rains or the sun is shining, you can wear them and get them wet without issue, as the material dries quickly, preventing any musty odors.

Importantly, raffia is an eco-friendly natural material that does not generate harmful pollutants or waste. Furthermore, it possesses an inherent natural beauty, especially when colored with plant-based dyes or combined with unique weaving patterns, giving the handmade raffia sandals a distinctive and stylish appearance.

VPADA designed and developed these handmade raffia sandals to preserve local wisdom, promote community handicraft trade, improve villagers' quality of life, and increase the value of natural materials like raffia rope. With its outstanding qualities and unique character, using raffia rope not only provides beautiful sandals but also contributes to the conservation of local arts and the environment.